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Music Set


Next session : November 14, 2024


"Delightful ! A cozy and intimate evening with artists who didn’t hesitate to share a piece of their soul with their public. A privilege".

Ekaterina Tsaregorodtseva

"Un grand merci à Jeremy Engel et Clémentine Dubost pour ce beau moment de grâce et de partage. Merci à eux de nous avoir tant fait voyager le temps d'une soirée. Ils nous ont fait découvrir leur univers et nous ont émus au rythme de leur chansons. J'ai passé un excellent moment plein d'authenticité et d'émotion et me réjouis déjà de toutes les prochaines sessions!"

Eliane Bou Khalil

There was something in the way he sat with ease in his chair, having shed the weight of the day at the door. Something in the way she let escape a faint smile right where her lips met behind her wine glass. Something in the glances exchanged between friends, cheery at being gathered together again.
You couldn't quite make out each of their stories, humming quietly in the night. Yet, there was somethning there in the ether holding them in concert, there in the flow of the music and the low light.

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